Taking advantage of its extensive beach area, and making use of the beautiful swamps that it has, the La Boquilla area in Cartagena has been firmly positioned as the favorite place for tourists and locals to practice different adventure sports surrounded by a natural scenery with spectacular views, while you can relax with attractive tours around the mangrove forests.
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La Boquilla receives tourists with great human warmth, while providing the conditions to practice in a safe and entertaining way the different activities. At the same time, foreigners come to this destination in awe, because they find in there an authentic scenario, and the possibility of entering a different universe from the one they live in their day to day, meeting a rich culture where you learn that life does not need to be filled of possessions to be a good one.
In here we present a list of three adventures that you can practice in the La Boquilla sector, plans that you can share with your family and with your friends without age restrictions and giving your senses lots of pleasure. You will surely obtain beautiful postcards and you will be able to create amazing stories to share through your social networks and to keep them in a special place in your home.
Canoe ecological tours
A canoe ride that takes you to see the most beautiful corners of the fantastic Ciénagas de La Virgen and Juan Polo. It is a tour guided by the natives of the area in which you can enter the dense and majestic mangrove forests, while going through spaces where they show you how to fish with atarraya. It is also the ideal place to appreciate and photograph the large number of birds, local and migratory, that inhabit or visit the area.
Where to do it?
Ask in La Boquilla for Los Arriberos
How much does it cost?
Depending on the plan and the duration you choose, prices range from 60.000 to 120.000 COP.
Plans from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Kitesurfing in La Boquilla
Thanks to the winds that blow with intensity, especially between the months of November and April, La Boquilla is transformed into the stage of the most fun aquatic adventure sports, among which is this exciting discipline that invites you to ride in a table of surf while a paragliding kite sweeps you along the extensive coastal area. Whether you have your own equipment or want to rent it, this sector of Cartagena has everything you need to carry out your own adventure.
Where to do it?
Walking along the beach, you will find several agencies that offer you different alternatives, so that the adventurer who is carried inside you can satisfy the desire for adrenaline.
How much does it cost?
The average price for an hour of free practice is 120.000 COP.
Between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Paratriking above La Boquilla
How about a 15-minute tour where you can see the whole beautiful sector of La Boquilla from the air? Definitely an adventure to remain breathless and contemplate, in a fascinating way, the incredible landscape of Cartagena de Indias. On board a paraglider with a motor, in a relaxed way and without feeling afraid of the altitude, you can see during the flight the beauty and the different shades of the area, from the beautiful beaches of Manzanillo del Mar, to meet the modern towers from some of the best hotels in La Heroica. An adventure short in duration but full of emotion and magic.
Where to do it?
The wide beaches of La Boquilla are the take-off and landing strip of this attraction. Approach one of the pilots and request a turn aboard this fun ship.
How much does it cost?
Between 80.000 and 100.000 COP.
The best hours you can choose to fly are between 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. You can also do it between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. to watch, from a privileged spot, the gorgeous sunset of Cartagena.
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While you are doing one of these three activities, or all of them, if possible, you can also take advantage of your time at La Boquilla to relax on the beach, talk to the locals, find delicious options to eat a tasty typical lunch of the region, enjoy an iced cold drink, and dance with the infectious rhythms of local music.