The slang words of the Colombian coastal dialect generally arise when coupling the names of facts, things or people with other words that have similar phonemes, but which are not written strictly the same. For example, to say “cállese” (shut up) they adopted the name "Cayetano", which phonetically simulates the first two syllables of the original word (ca-lle / ca-ye).
Another fact that stands out is the delimitation of the words: "na ', pue', pa ', quiubo", among others, which are proof of the coastal rush to simplify things, adopting as a result the sound they produce by pronouncing the words quickly.
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Below next, we present some examples of several slang expressions used in Cartagena de Indias. Do not forget to write to our social networks (@dondecartagena) so you can tell us which ones you use most frequently and which ones you think should be on our list.
- You do not hang the clothes. You use “guindar la ropa”.
- You do not turn on the light. You use “prender el foco”.
- You do not polish the shoes. You use “embolar los zapatos”.
- You do not have creditors. You use “tener culebras”.
- You do not shut up. You use “Cayetano”.
- You do not go to work. You use “ir al camello”.
- You do not eat cake. You use “comer pudín”.
- You do not eat bananas. You use “comer guineos”.
- You do not drink “salpicón”. You use “tomar tuti-fruti”.
- You do not eat ripe plantain. You use “yellow plantain”.
- You do not make fun. You use “mamar gallo”.
- You do not have a fan. You use “tener un abanico”.
- You do not ask: How are you? You use “¿Cómo va la vaina?”
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- You do not court someone. You use “echar los perros”.
- You do not know boring people. You use “personas aguacatadas”.
- You do not use rugs. You use “alfombras” (carpets).
- You are not unlucky. You use “estar salado” or “estar empavao”.
- There is not hubbub. You use “recocha”.
- There are not collaborators. You use “lambones”.
- You do not walk with a group. You use “going in bonche” or “going in boro”.
- You do not wear slippers. You use “chancletas”.
- You do not make gestures. You use “hacer morisquetas”.
- You do not drink beer. You use “tomar una fría”.
- You do not have b.o. in Cartagena. You use “tener grajo”.
- You do not see vultures. You use “goleros”.
- On the buses you do not pay the fee to the driver. You give the money to the “esparring”.
- You do not have friends in Cartagena. You have “compadres”.

In La Heroica, flavor and joy are carried even in the language and in the forms how they call or denominate things or situations. Folklore and visions of the world are intermingled to generate a slang vocabulary with which they also exalt their identity and love for the beautiful Corralito de Piedra.