Kokoa Sushi Wok

A new restaurant is bringing the flavors of Asian food to the neighborhood “Getsemani”, exactly on San Andres street. Kokoa Sushi Wok specializes in sushi rolls and wok-prepared dishes.

In just a short time, Kokoa has been delighting the hearts and palates of tourists and locals. Being one of the few restaurants that offers this style of food has helped Kokoa make a name for itself, but what has really set it apart is the culinary style that manages to fuse the best of Caribbean and Asian cuisine, plus the beach-style atmosphere.
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Contact Us

Cartagena, Colombia
El Universal, calle 30 N° 17-36, Pie del Cerro
Mon - Fri
8:00 a.m to 12: 00 p.m - 2:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m
649 9090 Ext. 167
E-mail: contactenos@donde.com.co