Gaucha Resto & Winehouse

For meat lovers, Gaucha Restaurant and Winehouse is a very good option. It is a small part of Argentina in Cartagena, where you will find the juiciest and most delicious cuts of meat, accompanied by an exclusive selection of wines and rich cocktails.

The restaurant is located in the neighborhood of Getsemaní, in Del Espiritu Santo Street, in a colonial house with high ceilings, rustic decorations and perfect lighting for a romantic night or a gathering of friends.

You can't go wrong ordering Choripan, colita de cuadril and beef-steak.
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Contact Us

Cartagena, Colombia
El Universal, calle 30 N° 17-36, Pie del Cerro
Mon - Fri
8:00 a.m to 12: 00 p.m - 2:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m
649 9090 Ext. 167