Ábaco Librería & Cafe

When you walk into the space, you will soak in the smell of coffee and books. The cozy environment and excellent selection of reading material make it a great spot to meet friends, relax and shop the best books in Cartagena.

In this beautiful cultural city, Abacus is a source for intelligent, lively conversations about books, arts, history and human nature. On top of that, the store provides its own online radio show that is worth listening to while you linger with a cup of coffee.
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Contact Us

Cartagena, Colombia
El Universal, calle 30 N° 17-36, Pie del Cerro
Mon - Fri
8:00 a.m to 12: 00 p.m - 2:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m
649 9090 Ext. 167
E-mail: contactenos@donde.com.co