Colorful, unique, sensational, so are the streets of Cartagena. As a plus, the street art -the graffitis- that decorates the walls and corners of the city, are made with delicate brush-strokes or sprays, that create the amazing identity of the beautiful Cartagena.
The inspiration of the artists is always flying as butterflies’ wings and with their hands they create amazing masterpieces. Getsemaní is one of the most attractive neighborhoods, every street has a beautiful illustration that call everyone’s attention, not even the daily routine is going to keep you from stopping to admire and trying to figure out the figures that are drawn. Animals, champeta moves, beautiful black women, abstract figures, you can find everything in those walls. The best way to start this journey and get to know this wonderful art pieces is from Calle de La Sierpe. In this place there are many paintings, besides it connects to Plaza de La Trinindad, an amazing place to spend your nights in Cartagena.
Walking around downtown there are also many street art pieces. There is a graffiti that you can watch from really far away. It is really big and occupies a big part of the facade of a building in that neighborhood. You can contemplate it and ask yourself how it was made and how long it took, those are questions that can immediately come to your mind while you are hypnotized looking at this piece.
Along Avenida Venezuela there are 25 trees that in their pots there are paintings from different artists that decided to decorate the green sector of this space. Every wood box is different, so give yourself some time to admire this wonderful decorations.
With sunlight or to the moonlight, any moment of the day is perfect for you to be surprised with these graffitis. The important thing is that you always have a camera with you so you can have really good memories, besides from the ones that will always be in your heart.