7:00 a.m the sky is clear, the sun is out and it is a little windy. The captain of the boat indicates that we are going to start our adventure.
From the pier of Santa Cruz de Manga in Cartagena de Indias we have to travel through Los Corales del Rosario Natural National Park, which is according to our boat captain, about 23 km south of the city.
After five minutes we begin to move, we feel the waves get stronger, but between laughter and a pleasant conversation we say goodbye to the bay of Cartagena de Indias.
It takes approximately one hour to get there. "I am going to start telling you a little bit about what we're going to see," says our tour guide. "This park is built in a valuable underwater ecosystem with a really high productivity and biodiversity, they form the biggest coral platform of the continental Colombian Caribbean; this ecosystem is under protection."

We are going to paradise! It was the only thing I could think of. The water was changing color, so I could already notice it. Crystal clear waters, seagrasses, reef formations, it was nature making us fall in love with it.
We start the tour and we stop where necessary to take out our cameras and take wonderful pictures.
Thanks to the biological diversity that is represented in major tourist attractions, you can perform activities such as hiking, diving, snorkeling, observation of fauna and flora, and bird watching.
This is a lovely natural territory, after observing many hotel areas, islands and private houses, and the mangrove area, we choose to arrive at Ecohotel La Cocotera in Isla Grande, where we enjoy a loaded and traditional lunch, that includes fish, coconut rice and patacones.
We take advantage of this island to take sunbathe and swim in thesea, so as not to waste any of the attractions that this park offers.

3:30 p.m, it is time to return, I go home to tell one of the best experiences of my life. Oceanarium, spas, mangroves, this park is a charm to live, enjoy and preserve.