Cartagena de Indias, is one of the must destinations for tourists who wish to live a time of rest, without losing the religious programs proper to Holy Week.
The churches are the main attractions for people who choose this destination in Holy Week.
The temples of the Historical Center are the most visited. The main one is the Basilica Santa Catalina de Alejandria, the city's largest cathedral, which enchants with its colonial architecture. From here, I start my three-hour tour of the most important religious sites in this city, also called La Heroica.

Located in the heart of old Cartagena, in front of Plaza de Bolivar, the Cathedral is the largest church in the city. It preserves its imposing altars and its three naves, which make it one of the most important cathedrals in the world. On the side and sides of its walls, you can appreciate the beautiful replicas of the viacrucis, steps that Jesus gave to reach the Calvary or Mount Carabela.
Leaving the Cathedral, you do not have to walk far to find another architectural and religious jewel, which becomes one of the most sacred places for Catholicism, it is the Church of San Pedro Claver, located in front of St. Pedro. Each place inside the temple, is part of the history of the saint who is venerated in it. His tireless struggles for the recognition of human rights, and his protection for black slaves brought to trade. Underneath the high altar of this majestic sanctuary and in a glass urn, the remains of the saint are kept, which are honored by their own and visitors. During the holy week, an agenda of religious activities is offered.
Guided by the charm of this church museum, I walked a little to visit the Church of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, smaller but not less important, located opposite the Plaza Fernandez de Madrid. It is a true example of the religious architecture of yesteryear. It stands out for its Baroque architecture and its altar adorned with gold leaflets. It is one of the most welcoming and preferred to celebrate marriages.
Another temple that I could not leave to visit, is the Church and Convent Santo Domingo, located in front of the square that bears his name. It is considered the oldest in Cartagena. In the center of its altar you can see an image of Christ carved in wood dating from the nineteenth century and an image of the Virgin with a crown fringed in gold and emeralds. In this church, the pilgrimage is completed by the most important religious sites in the city, where the participation of parishioners and tourists becomes more palpable during the most important week of the year, Easter.