Handles, hammocks, backpacks, bags, earrings, necklaces, hats, paintings and even exact representations of colonial ships invade the streets of the Old City of Cartagena de Indias. Acquiring one of those items that artisans, foreigners and locals, commercialize in the streets will keep alive those moments fully enjoyed in this unforgettable city. Below, the five most popular craft selling sites:
Calle de La Ronda
Before the San Ignacio Baluarte and protected by the
walled cord there is this famous street that is highlighted by the color of the beautiful crafts that decorate the passageway.
Plaza Santo Domingo
Just as the fat Gertrudis is the main protagonist of this plaza, the crafts also have a great interest among visitors who acquire replicas of this sculpture by Botero or a craft item to take back home.
Calle San Juan de Dios
From the corner of San Pedro Claver Church you can admire bags and valuable oil paintings that decorate the 160 linear meters of this picturesque space. Also, enjoy the sunset while you buy a hat and you are pleased with a raspao ', which incidentally should be included among the refreshing drinks to be tasted in Cartagena de Indias.
Calle de La Soledad
Soledad should not be the name of this sector, since it is one of the most crowded places in the Old City because it is surrounded by universities and other education institutions. Books, handcuffs, bracelets and necklaces make tourists and locals look for a gift for someone special.
Calle de Los Santos de Piedra
Around the Cathedral of Santa Catalina de Alejandría there are a wide range of handcrafts for sale. There you purchase T-shirts, hand-made backpacks and many other things. With the Plaza de Bolívar,
the Gold Museum, The Palace of the Inquisition, the headquarters of the Concurso Nacional de Belleza and the Bank of the Republic nearby, it is impossible not to pass through this place.